This is a very important Divi update that needs to be installed before installing WordPress 6.5. If you don’t install this version first, you’ll likely find your site crashes when updating to WordPress 6.5.
Version 4.24.3 (updated 04-02-2024)
- Fixed several compatibility issues with PHP 8.2.
- Fix deprecated messages when editing existing post with Divi Layout block in WordPress 6.5.
- Fix deprecated messages when adding new post or edit existing post in WordPress 6.5.
- Fixed image refinement issues by correcting endpoint usage and prompt handling.
- Added multiple upscaling and canvas limit to 8192px.
- ai-app/build/et-ai-app.bundle.js
- ai-app/build/et-ai-app.bundle.css
- ai-app/i18n/ai-image-editor.php
- includes/builder/api/DiviExtension.php
- includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
- includes/builder/feature/Library.php
- includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js