Divi 5 Progress Update: ✅ Public Alpha Blocking Features Complete

Divi 5 Progress Update: ✅ Public Alpha Blocking Features Complete
August 6, 2024

I’m back with another Divi 5 progress update. I am happy to report that we completed all the features slated for the Public Alpha release. Before getting this initial version into your hands, the final step is to perform one more round of testing and bug fixing. We will polish things up and release the Public Alpha with my next update.

It will be an alpha, and there will undoubtedly be many bugs at first, but we want to reduce as much noise as possible so that you can effectively test the alpha without running into problems at every turn.

In the meantime, swing by the demo to check out the latest version of Divi 5, including all the updates I’ll cover in this post.

Get all the details in the video below. 👇


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